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《AS 1554 Part 2 - Stud Welding》.pdf
AS 1554.2—1993
Australian Standard
Structural steel welding
Part 2: Stud welding
(Steel studs to steel)
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee WD/3, Welding of Structures.
It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 21 October 1992
and published on 13 April 1993.
The following interests are represented on Committee WD/3:
Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Institute of Steel Construction
Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia
Electricity Supply Association of Australia
Heavy Engineering Research Association, New Zealand
Institution of Engineers, Australia
Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia
Railways of Australia Committee
Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia
University of Sydney
Welding Technology Institute of Australia
Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary. It is
important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, and any
amendments thereto.
Full details of all Australian Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australia
Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australian
Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publications, new editions
and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards.
Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head office of Standards Australia,
are welcomed. Notification of
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