《HSE Bulletin 50-2016 Welding Safely》.ppt

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《HSE Bulletin 50-2016 Welding Safely》.ppt

Welding Safely No. 50 -2010 Welding hazards pose an unusual combination of safety and health risks. By its nature, welding produces fumes and noise, gives off radiation, involves electricity or gases, and has the potential for burns, shock, fire, and explosions. Health hazards of welding including: Fumes gases may cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. Fumes gases may cause chest pain and /or pulmonary edema. Fumes gases may cause metal fume fever and/or lead poisoning. Polyester and other man made fibers may melt and cause severe burns if struck by a welding spark. May result in asphyxiation in confined spaces. Welding Hazards Some hazards are common to both electric arc and oxygen-fuel gas welding. If you work with or near a welding operation, the following general precautions should help you to work more safely. Weld only in designated areas. Only operate welding equipment you have been trained to use. Know what the substance is that’s being welded and any coating on it. Wear protective clothing to cover all exposed areas of the body for protection sparks, hot spatter, and radiation. Protective clothing should be dry and free of holes, grease, oil, and other substances which may burn. Wear flameproof gauntlet gloves, a leather or asbestos apron, and high-top shoes to provide good protection against sparks and spatter. Wear specifically designed, leak-proof helmets equipped with filter plates to protect against ultraviolet, infrared, and visible radiation. Never look at a flash, even for an instant. Welding Safety Precautions Keep your head away from the plume by staying back and to the side of the work. Use your helmet and head position to minimize fume inhalation in your breathing zone. Make sure there is good local exhaust ventilation to keep the air in your breathing zone clear. Don’t weld in a confined space without adequate ventilation and an approved respirator. Don’t weld in wet areas, wear wet or damp clothing or weld with wet hand


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