《Liccoln WPHB - Section 12 (Welding Costs)》.pdf

《Liccoln WPHB - Section 12 (Welding Costs)》.pdf

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《Liccoln WPHB - Section 12 (Welding Costs)》.pdf

Section 12 WELDING COSTS SECTION 12.1 ESTIMATING WELDING COSTS Page The Approach to Cost Estimation 12.1-1 Factors Involved in Welding Costs 12.1-1 The Operating Factor 12.1-2 Basic Costing Procedures 12.1-4 Computing the Weight of Weld Metal 12.1-7 Rough and Ready Cost Estimation 12.1-9 The Use of Welding Cost Formulas 12.1-10 Precautions When Using Cost Formulas .. 12.1-22 How to Determine Actual Values for Cost Formula Factors 12.1-23 The Disciplinary Value of Costing Studies 12.1-24 The Designers Role in Minimizing Weld Costs 12.1-24 The Question of Negative Tolerance 12.1-28 Reinforcements and Weld Costs 12.1-30 Computer Usage in the Welding Industry .12.1-30 12.1-1 Estimating Welding Costs THE APPROACH TO COST ESTIMATION accounting practices. Where unrealistic figures are All users of welding are, at times, confronted assigned - say, to welding speeds or to the operating with the problem of how to determine welding costs. factor - the cost formulas will give unrealistic A cost analysis may be required in advance of actual results. It, thus, behooves the person making the welding - in which case the results would constitute cost analysis to verify the validity of his data before a cost estimate - or the cost analy


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