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《Segmentation of Time Series by the Clustering and Genetic Algorithms》.pdf
Segmentation of Time Series by the Clustering and Genetic Algorithms
† † † ‡
Vincent S. Tseng , Chun-Hao Chen , Chien-Hsiang Chen and Tzung-Pei Hong
†Department of Information Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University
‡ Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung
{vincent, chchen, chienhsiang}@.tw, tphong@.tw
Abstract The segmentation problem is usually converted into an
optimization problem. Recently, the genetic algorithm has
This paper proposes a time series segmentation been proven to be very suitable for solving optimization
approach by combining the clustering technique, the problems. Chung et al. thus proposed a GA-based
discrete wavelet transformation and the genetic algorithm approach to segment time series [3]. They allowed users
to automatically find segments and patterns from a time to specify a set of desired patterns and search for them
series. The genetic algorithm is used to find the during the segmentation processing steps. They used the
segmentation points for deriving appropriate patterns. In real-number schema to encode each chromosome, which
the fitness evaluation, the proposed algorithm first divides represented a possible segmentation result. T
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