《Water sense》.doc

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《Water sense》.doc

Tank-Type High-Efficiency Toilet Specification 水箱型高效冲水座便器规格说明书 Scope and Objective 1.0 范围及目标 This specification establishes the criteria for a tank-type high-efficiency toilet (HET) under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSenseprogram. It is applicable to: 这个规格说明书为水箱型高效冲水座便器设立标准,它是根据美国环境保护协会WaterSense纲要制定而成的。此规格说明书适合于以下各种座便器: Single flush, tank-type gravity toilets; 单冲,重力式水箱型座便器 Dual flush, tank-type gravity toilets; 双冲,重力式水箱型座便器 Dual flush, tank-type flushometer tank (pressure-assist) toilets; 双冲,冲水阀式水箱型座便器 Tank-type, flushometer tank (pressure-assist) toilets; 冲水阀式水箱型座便器 Tank-type electrohydraulic toilets; and 电动液压水箱型座便器 Any other technologies that meet these performance specifications. 和其他的一些符合这种规格的产品。 The specification is designed to ensure both sustainable, efficient water use and a high level of user satisfaction with flushing performance. 这个规范既能确保有效的利用水,又能达到高效冲洗的效果 Summary of Criteria 2.0标准概要 Toilets must meet criteria in three areas: 座便器必须符合标准具体为以下三个方面: Effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons1 (4.8 liters), as specified in Section 3.0; 有效的冲水量不得超过1.28加仑(4.8升),详细说明见第3部分 Solid waste removal must be 350 grams2 or greater, as specified in Section 4.0; and 固体废弃物的排污量必须为350g甚至更多,详细说明见第4部分 The toilet must conform to the adjustability and other supplementary requirements specified in Section 5.0. 座便器还必须符合第5部分所提到的相关规定和附加要求 3.0 Water Efficiency Criteria 3.0 有效用水量标准 3.1 Single Flush Toilets - The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is the average flush volume when tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.2 3.1 单冲式座便器-有效冲水量不得超过1.28加仑(4.8升).有效冲水量是根据ASME A112.19.2测试所得出的平均冲水量. 3.2 Dual Flush Toilets - The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. Flush volumes will be tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.


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