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3 8 2 ( ) Vo l. 38, N o. 2 2 0 1 1 2 J ournal of H unan U niversity( Nat ur al Sciences) Feb 2 0 1 1 ( 2011) 0200350 6 * 1, 2 1 1 常 胜 , 许洪国, 刘宏飞 ( 1. , 130022 ; 2 . , 154007) 为分析具有侧向自由度的半挂汽车列车行驶特性, 建立了 含车身侧倾和转向 系刚度的车辆模型, 对车辆在典型工况下的运行状态进行仿真分析; 并对模型中的牵引鞍座 参数进行调试和匹配, 分析这些参数变化对系统稳定性的影响, 以期为车辆系统设计提供参 考依据. 研究结果表明, 行驶状况和牵引鞍座参数的变化, 可能造成车身侧倾两车存在夹角 等, 应通过参数灵敏度进行分析判断; 仿真结果说明所建模型适用于分析车辆行驶特性. 牵引鞍座; 参数选取; 半挂汽车列车; 车身侧倾 U4 69. 5 A Ex tr action of the Saddle Param et ers and A naly sis of t he Driving Ch aract erist ic of T r actorsemitr ailer 1, 2 1 1 CH A N G Sheng , XU H onggu o , L IU H on gf ei ( 1. Co llege of T raff ic, J ilin U niv , Ch ang chun , J ilin 130022 , China; 2. Co llege of M ech anical Engineer ing, Jiamusi U niv , J iamu si, H eilongj iang 154 007, China) Abstract: In order to analyze the driving ch aracterist ics of tract orsemitrailer w ith the lateral degrees of freedom, a system dynamic model including body rolling and stif fness of steering system w as established. Simulat ions w ere done under some typical operating conditions. T hen, the tract ion saddle parameters w ere debugged and w ell extract ed, and the system stabilit y w as investigated under the inf luence of t hese paramet ers, which provided ref erence for the desig ner . T he changes of driving conditions and parameters of the traction saddle could cause body ro


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