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爱读书的孩子越来越少 Cue the hand-wringing about digital distraction: Fewer children are reading books frequently for fun, according to a new report released Thursday by Scholastic, the children’s book publisher. 为数字设备强大的分心效果痛心疾首吧。根据儿童图书出版商学乐教育集团(Scholastic)前不久发布的一份新报告,为享受乐趣而频繁读书的孩子比以前更少了。 In a 2014 survey of just over 1,000 children ages 6 to 17, only 31 percent said they read a book for fun almost daily, down from 37 percent four years ago. 在2014年针对大约1000名6岁至17岁孩子进行的一项调查中,仅有31%的受访者表示,他们几乎每天都会为获得乐趣而读书,这一比例较4年前的37%有所下降。 There were some consistent patterns among the heavier readers: For the younger children — ages 6 to 11 — being read aloud to regularly and having restricted online time were correlated with frequent reading; for the older children — ages 12 to 17 — one of the largest predictors was whether they had time to read on their own during the school day. 这些阅读量较大的孩子呈现出一些一致的模式:对于年幼的孩子(6岁至11岁)来说,时常听父母大声朗读,并限制上网时间,与频繁阅读呈正相关。而对于年龄较大的孩子(12岁至17岁)来说,最大的预测指标之一是,他们在校期间是否有时间自主阅读。 The finding about reading aloud to children long after toddlerhood may come as a surprise to some parents who read books to children at bedtime when they were very young but then tapered off. Last summer, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced a new policy recommending that all parents read to their children from birth. 给早已过了学步期的小孩大声朗读,竟然能够产生如此好的效果。一些家长在孩子很小的时候,经常在睡前给他们读书,但随后逐渐减少。这项发现或许会让他们感到惊讶。美国儿科研究院(American Academy of Pediatrics) 去年夏天宣布了一项新政策,建议所有家长在小孩出生后给他们朗读。 “A lot of parents assume that once kids begin to read independently, that now that is the best thing for them to do,” said Maggie McGuire, the vice president for a website for parents operated by Scholastic. 玛吉·麦圭尔(Maggie McGuire)在学乐教育集团专门为家长创建的一家网站担任副总裁。她说,“很多家长认为,一旦孩子开始独立阅读,他们就算大功告成了。” But reading aloud through elementary school seemed to be connected to a love of reading generally. According to the report, 41 percent of frequent readers ages 6 to 10 were read aloud to at home, while only 13 percent of infrequent readers were being re


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