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航空电源航空科技重点实验室学术年会 (APSC’ 20 12)论文集
曹玲玲 陈乾宏 阮新波
(南京航空航天大学航空电源航空科技重点实验室 南京 210016)
Review of the wireless power transmission technique for electric vehicles
CAO Lingling CHEN Qianhong RUAN Xinbo
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Abstract: Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) technique will 发展电动汽车,是世界公认的缓解能源短缺和环境
become the development trend of energy supply system for 污染的有效策略,而对于我国又显得至关重要。以我国
electric vehicles (EV), which features the advantages of energy 的石油消耗为例,2009 年石油净进口量约 2.04 亿吨,
saving, low pollution and low-carbon emission. It is pointed out 进口依存度达 52%,远超过国际警戒线标准 35% 。其中
that electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic resonance of 车用燃油消耗占总石油消耗的 1/3 强。因此,开发、推
the three commonly used WPT techniques are more suitable for
EV charging owing to their higher efficiency. With the purpose of
efficient energy transfer for EV power system, a review on the
topology, control and transformer of current-used WPT technique
is made. It is indicated that contactless transformer is the major 成熟、经济性较好,由蓄电池供电的纯电动汽车(Electric
bottleneck restricting the system’s efficiency, and further, the Vehicle, EV)成为各国政府鼓励、各汽车生产商大力发展的
for a more efficient transformer are discussed. As for 环保车型[2]。受动力电池容量的限制,目前EV 的续驶里
electromagnetic induction WPT, the problems of “low coupling 程较短,电池充电站的建设成为制约EV 应用、发展的最
coefficient” of the contactless transformer and “uneven 大瓶颈[3,4]。为此,各国均大力进行充电站建设来推动 EV
distribution of magnetic flux” in mobile charging s
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