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Part 3: Cultivating mindfulness 第3部分: 培养正念觉知 Signals from sensory pathways 来自感官途径的信号 Signals from emotional pathways 来自情绪途径的信号 Signals from cortical pathways 来自皮层途径的信号 Emotion recognition and emotion regulation (Davidson, 2002) 情绪识别与情绪调节 How does our mind get distorted? 我们的心智活动如何被歪曲? (2) A brain dominated by hedonistic impulses 被享乐冲动支配的大脑 A distorted mind can lead to a distorted brain 歪曲的心智活动可以导致歪曲的大脑 Experience-induced changes in synaptic efficiency (Kandel, 2001) 经验诱导的突触功效改变 Cultivating mindfulness 培养正念觉知 What is Mindfulness? 正念觉知是什么? Actively maintaining a clear awareness of our mental activities from moment to moment 时刻主动保持对心智活动的清醒觉知 Goals of mindfulness training 正念觉知训练的目标 To practice mindful observation of our mental processes 锻炼有意识的观察我们的心智活动 To develop mindful awareness of our habitual affective, cognitive, and behavioral response patterns 培养对习惯性的情感,认知以及行为反应模式有意识的觉知 Free our mind from mindless habitual response patterns 将我们的心智活动从无意识的习惯性反应模式中解放出来 How to cultivate mindfulness? 如何培养正念觉知? Observe breathing 观呼吸 Observe body sensations and movements 观躯体感觉和运动 Observe mental activities (including feelings, impulses, and thoughts) 观心智活动(包括情感,冲动和思维习惯) The key is : 关键在于 Just to observe 只观察 Not to judge 不批判 Not to react 不做反应 Always ask yourself these mindful questions: 常常问自己这些有意识的问题 What am I doing now? 我在做什么? Is it a response out of a mindful choose? 这是出自有意识选择的反应吗? Or is it just a mindless reaction driven by habitual affective, cognitive, or behavioral response patterns? 还是在习惯性情感,认知和行为模式驱动下的无意识反应? How does mindfulness training work in neuroscience terms? 正念觉知训练用神经科学术语来看是怎样发挥作用的? (5) Mindfulness exercise activates DLPFC and initiates mindful actions rather than reactions 正念活动锻炼DLPFC发起有意识的活动而不是做出无意识的反应 References 参考文献 Baer, R.A., Krietemeyer, J. (2006). Overview of mindfulness- and acceptance-based treatment approaches. In R.A. Baer (ed.), Mindfulness-based Treatment Approaches, pp. 3-27, Elservier. Davidson, R. et al. (20



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