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* SMART PH NE SMART MARKETING 18 28 32 2 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Smartphone Living Smartphone Marketing Smartphone Futures Conclusions OVERVIEW In an increasingly mobile world, the Smartphone has become a lifestyle- changing device. The Smartphone is the ?rst device to provide instant access to the internet and online information resources wherever consumers go. Time-starved consumers say that Smartphones improve their quality of life by allowing them to multitask on-the-move. For marketers, this creates a new opportunity to maintain contact with consumers throughout the day and in?uence purchase decisions in ways never before possible. Universal McCann and AOL partnered with Questus, a leading interactive marketing and research ?rm, to conduct an extensive multi-phase research project examining how Smartphones are in?uencing American lifestyles and media consumption. This research report analyzes the intersection between consumer media usage, lifestyle and purchase preferences. SMARTPHONE LIVING 5 63MM 19MM THE STUDY: LIVING ? MARKETING ? FUTURES 270MM US mobile subscribers access mobile web access mobile web on weekly basis WHOM DID WE SPEAK WITH? Approximately 1800 participants were selected for this study based upon their frequent use of Smartphone devices, with nearly all participants indicating they access the mobile web at least several times per week. The study also included a sample of “lead users,” who were asked to keep daily usage diaries. is not , 12 6 hype. 1 OF EVERY 7 MINUTES OF MEDIA CONSUMPTION TODAY IS THROUGH A MOBILE DEVICE 14% ‘MobileIt’s a social transformation. IT’S MORE THAN MOBILE The Smartphone is considered a great convenience for many Americans, enabling them to access internet content, applications and services anywhere and anytime and to have a constant link with their social circles. It’s more than a medium of transmission; it’s the preeminent tool for both social communication and daily life management. OF SM
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