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朱維英 Zhu, Wei Ying ㆗國戲曲㈻院音樂系主任 摘 要 傳統戲曲音樂人才的培養,是以配合表演藝術為中心,以師徒承傳的形式 進行的。隨著歷史的變遷,戲曲教育在前進。形成自身的教育體系,全方位地 進入了國家高等教育行列,便是中國戲曲學院音樂系的重要任務。 京劇器樂演奏專業的人才培養課程可分三類。第一類主修樂器課,屬專業 主課,貫穿於京劇器樂各專業四年教學的全過程。第二類專業基礎理論課的一 些課程,主要是為了全面提高學生的藝術素質而開設的。第三類語文、英語、 藝術概論、戲曲史、戲曲學概論等課程是國家藝術院校必修的公共課程。京劇 器樂主修樂器四年的教學內容和方法,注重突出以下三個方面:1.注重樂器演 奏技能、技巧的基礎訓練。2.注重對傳統不同風格流派劇目音樂伴奏的繼承。 3.注重與表演專業相配合的舞台伴奏藝術實踐。 京劇作曲專業人才的培養,注重1.必須學深、學透,學好京劇唱腔,對入 學前不是演奏京胡的學生更為重要。2.系統地掌握各種腔調,各種板式,腔型 句式的原型變形的特點、規律和方法。3.要使學生既能掌握唱腔的編創方法, 也能掌握各種音樂體裁的編創方法。4.鼓勵學生多實踐,多參加院內外的創作 ,提倡學生學習京劇樂隊中如京胡、板鼓等主要樂器。 關鍵字 : 京劇器樂、京劇作曲、課程安排、人才培養 32 臺灣戲專㈻刊 Performing Arts Journal About Jingju musical instruments and the training way of composer Zhu, Wei Ying Abstract: Accompanying performing arts centers the talent development for traditional theatrical music. It goes by handing down from masters to disciples. The theatrical education moves ahead with time. The leading goal of Department of Music in Chinese Theatrical Academic College is to form an independent educational system, ranking part of the national high education. Lessons for the professional talent development in Jingju instruments can be divided into three parts. First, major instruments lessons: they are for students’ professional development and are infused in the whole four-year teaching. Second, fundamental theoretical lessons: They are to improve students’ artistic talent and capability. Third, liberal education lessons. They include languages, English, introduction to arts, history of theatre, introduction to theatre. In terms of the teaching content and methodology, the four-year major instrument lessons emphasize the following three aspects: 1. the competence of instrument playing and basic skill


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