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摘 要 随着市场经济的发展,城市建设理念正在向经营城市转变,以前单一的城市建 设投资主体趋于多元化,许多社会的、个人的、集体的、国外的资金都投入到城市 建设中来。面对日趋激烈的竞争,无论是城市政府,还是其他投资者都意识到城市 公共建设项目的建设不仅要依赖法规和经验,更需要作前期策划,也就是要对建设 项目市场作准确的分析、预测和把握,从而有效降低成本,避免决策失误,减少投 资风险,提高效率和可行性。于是,城市公共建设项目前期策划受到政府和投资者 的极大重视。研究策划理论,丰富策划思想,实践策划项目都具有重大意义。 我国城市公共设施建设项目前期策划存在着发展速度缓慢, 城市公共建设项目 业主对城市公共建设项目前期策划工作的认识存在误解,认识不到位,重视力度不够, 相关制度不健全等问题。本文运用比较研究法,通过对比武汉长城创新综合商务中心 建设项目和重庆朝天门两江隧道建设项目前期策划的案例, 以此说明城市公共设施 建设项目前期策划的重大意义。引导人们对城市公共设施建设项目前期策划进行深 入思考。如何明确政府定位;如何改革城市公共建设项目的建设管理体制,规范项 目前期策划工作制度;如何加强策划理论研究,丰富策划实践成为本文研究的主要 内容。 关键词:公共建设项目,前期策划 I ABSTRACT With the development of market economy, the idea is transferring from urban construction to urban management. The privious sole invement in construction tends to diversify. A large number of funds which belong to society, individuals, the collective and the overseas are being invested in the urban construction. Facing intense competition, both the city government and other investors are realizing that urban public construction projects will be set up not only by law or experience, but also by making plans. They must analyse, forecast and assure the market of construction projects in order to reduce the cost effectively ; avoid error decision ; reduce the investment risk and improve the efficiency and feasibility. Therefore , the government and investors now pay much more attention to making plan for urban public construction projects. It is very important to study on planning theory ;enriching planning ideas and practising the planning of project. At present, there are some problems with urban public construction. For example, making plan for urban public construction project develops slowly in China; it has not been received enough emphasis; the masters of urban public con


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