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流水线型家电制造企业作业排序优化方法 及其在 MPD 公司的应用研究 摘 要 流水线型家电制造企业作业计划的编排存在着排列排序问题,不同的排产 顺序将会产生不同的生产周期。那么从市场的角度看待这个问题,就变成为企 业对市场需求的应变能力问题,因而各个企业都非常重视。但排产顺序存在着 值得关注的优化问题,本文通过对流水线型制造企业作业计划制订优化模型的 研究,运用排列排序的优化模型进行企业作业计划的制订,对缩短企业的生产 生产周期起着明显的效果。 本文就合肥 MPD 公司生产作业计划制订和生产周期缩短问题进行实证研 究,并应用优化模型对 MPD 公司作业计划制订进行优化,使得企业的生产生 产周期明显缩短。从结果看,比原先排产方法所耗用的时间缩短了11.8 个小时。 本文的研究成果以及对 MPD 公司的实证分析,对于流水线型制造企业的 作业计划制订有着积极的可借鉴意义。 关键词:流水线;作业排序优化;生产周期 4 Scheduling Optimization Method of the Pipeline appliance manufacturers and Its Application in the MPDs ABSTRACT Flow- shop operation plan home manufacturers exists the order of scheduling problem, Will produce a different sort of different production cycles. From a market point of view of this problem, it turned into a business-to-market demand response capabilities, and therefore attach great importance to all businesses. However, it is worthy to attention of the order of scheduling optimization problem. In this paper, study the optimization model plans of the line -type manufacturing enterprise, using the model to sort array of enterprise operations planning, and have a significant results to shorten the production cycle. This article also research the draw up of the company plans and the processing cycles shorten of Hefei MPD ’s , and application optimization model to optimize the scheduling , makes the processing cycles shortened significantly. From the results, it is less 11.8 hours than the original method of scheduling. This studys results and empirical analysis of the MPD ’s . It have a positive meaning for the line - type manufacturin


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