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2 8 6 V o l2 8, N o6 2007 12 Journal o f Bu ilding Stru ctures D ec2007 : ( 2007) 1 1 2 1 1 刘学春, 张爱林 , 葛家琪 , 王 玲 , 齐宗林 ( 1 , 100022; 2 , 100011) : , , , , , , 93m 1/ 12 , , , , 30% , 164 5, , 2008 , : ; ; ; : TU 393 3 TU 394 : A Study on the in fluence of con stru ction dev iation random distr ibut ion on the integral stab ility of su spenddom e 1 1 2 1 1 L IU Xu echun , ZHANG A ilin , GE J iaqi , WANG L ing , Q I Zonglin ( 1 Be ijing U niversity o f T echnology, Be ijing 100022, Ch ina; 2 Ch ina A eronautica l Project and D esign In stitute, B eijing 100011, Ch ina) Abs tract: Th is p ap er proposes a con stru ction dev iation prob abilistic m ethod th at fits the integral stab ility analysis o f su spenddom e structure w ith initial geom etrical defects A ccording to the dev iation layout of the con struct ion site, the probab ilistic d istribut ion o f in it ial geom etrica l defects is introdu ced, the sam ple sp ace is w orked out by com puting the random fin ite elem en t m odel, and the stability factor is gotten through ana lysis o f these sam ples W ith an optmi ized su spenddom e structure m odel w hose sp an is 9 3m, risesp an is 1/ 12, the influ ence of init ial geom e try de fects on the non linear in tegra l stab ility is ana lyzed T hrough com


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