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2006, 8( 1): 08-13 Ch inese Journal of Pesticide Science # 专论与综述# 1 1 2 1* 张慧婷 , 叶贵标 , 李文明, 潘灿平 ( 1 , 10009 ; 2 , 50002) : 介绍了非共价型分子印迹聚合物的聚合过程及应用; 综述了近年来分子印迹传感器在不同 类农药检测中的研究进展目前, 印迹传感器技术可用于莠去津敌草净2, -滴草甘膦对硫 磷氯霉素等农药的检测, 对大部分农药检测限可达 Lmo l/L 级随着分子印迹和微电子技术的发 展, 印迹传感器技术作为一 新的农药检测方法, 具有广阔的发展前景 : 分子印迹; 传感器; 农药检测 : O657 : A : 1008-7303( 2006) 01-0008-06 The Application ofM olecularly Imprinted Polym er Sensor in Pesticide Detection 1 1 2 1* ZHANG Hui-ting , YE Gu-i biao , L IW en-m ing , PAN Can-ping ( 11D epartm ent of Applied Chem istry, C ollege of Science, Ch ina Agricu ltu ral University, Beijing 10009 , Ch ina; 2. C ollege of Plant Protection, Henan Agricu ltural University, Zhengzhou 50002, Ch ina ) Abstract: The po lymerization and utilization of non-covalent m olecularly mi printed polym ers ( M IP) w ere introduced. The literatures on M IP-based sensors in pesticide detection in recent years w ere exam ined. W ith insight into the different of k inds of pesticides, the M IPs sensors w ere applied to detecting atrazine, desm etryn, 2, -d ichlorophenoxyacetic acid, glyphosate, parath ion, chloram phen icol and other pesticides. M ost of the concentrations of pesticidesw ere at the Lmo l/L leve.l A long w ith the development of m olecular mi printing and m icroelectronics techn ique, M IPs sensor is expected to be w idely used in the pesticide analysis field. K ey words: mo lecu larly mi printed polym er; sensor; pesticide detection 1 , [ 1] 1993M osbach (M o lecular Im


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