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4 1 5 上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报 V ol. 4 1 N o. 5 2007 5 J OU RN AL O F SH AN G HA I J IA OT O N G U N IV ERSIT Y M ay 2007 : 100624 67 2007) W CDM A 陈 伟, 蒋铃鸽, 何 晨 , 200240) : 提出一种基于负载均衡的移动台分配策 , 充分考虑了宽带码分多址 W CDM A) 网络的 小区呼吸效应, 在移动台分配过程中, 对移动台与基站的链路连接关系进行了优化, 使得各 个基站 的负载相对均衡. 理论分析与仿真实验结果表明, 在完成同样的覆盖时, 采用所提出的移动台分配 策 可以显著减少规划区域内所有基站所需的发射总功率. : 宽带码分多址; 小区呼吸; 基站站址选择; 移动台分配; 功率分配 : T N 929 . 533 : A A WCDMA Base Stat ion Positioning Algorit hm Based on Load Balancing CH EN Wei, JIA N G L ingge, H E Chen Dept . of Elect ronic Eng . , Shanghai Jiaot ong U niv . , Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract: P osit ioning of base st at io n is t he key element in the init ialization o f W CD MA net w ork planning. Base st ation positioning is an opt im ization pro blem, w hose object value is deriv ed f rom pow er assig nm ent based on mobile assignment st rat eg y and solving linear equat ion syst em u sually. A lo adblancing mo bile assig nm ent str at egy w as proposed . T he t heo ret ical analysis and simulat ion experiment sho w t hat it w ell consider s the cel l breat hing ef fect . T he linkages betw een mobiles and base st ations ar e o pt imized during the m obile assignment , so t hat the load o f each base st atio n is com parat ivel y balanced. By using t his st rat egy , it obviously decrease t he to tal transm it t ing pow er of all t he base st ations w hen achieving t he same cov erag e as usual mobile assig nm ent st rategy . Key words: w ideband code div ision mult iple access W CDMA ) ; cell breat hing; base st at io n posit ioning; mobile assig nment ; pow er assig nm ent


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