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弗里德里希·奥古斯特·冯·哈耶克,CH(又译为海耶克,德语:Friedrich August von Hayek,1899年5月8日-1992年3月23日)是奥地利出生的英国知名经济学家和政治哲学家。以坚持自由市场资本主义、反对社会主义、凯恩斯主义和集体主义而著称。他被广泛视为是奥地利经济学派最重要的成员之一,他对于法学和认知科学领域也有相当重要的贡献。哈耶克在1974年和他理论的对手贡纳尔·默达尔一同获得了诺贝尔经济学奖,以“表扬他们在货币政策和商业周期上的开创性研究,以及他们对于经济、社会和制度互动影响的敏锐分析。” Richard A. Epstein: One of Hayek’s great intellectual achievements stems from his appreciation of the quiet virtues of the price system. At a time when everyone was clamoring for central planning, Hayek, writing in his classic article, The Use of Knowledge in Society, understood the unsurpassed ability of the price system to coordinate the activities of myriads of separate individuals. Each person, in Hayek’s view, possesses local knowledge of his own situation, which gives him a clear sense of the costs of his factor inputs and the prices that he hopes to obtain by selling the outputs of their deployment. The strength of the individual’s convictions can be communicated to the world by a single number ―the price that is bid or asked for certain commodities. These prices are, of course, not randomly generated but depend on accurate estimates of both benefits and costs. Yet no market participant has any incentive to inflate or deflate the relevant figures, because the only person who will be deceived by this action is himself. The system, moreover, is easily expandable across different markets, even when their participants operate in different languages and under different cultural norms. The thicker the market, and the greater the apparent disorder, the fuller the range of options from which everyone may choose. The very informational complexity that strengthens a price system simultaneously makes any administrative system of resource allocation balky [?b?:ki] 不听使唤的and ineffective. In that latter setting, parties have the great temptation to tell the tribunal just what its members want to hear, knowing that an immediate falsification of any predictions or figures is difficult if not impossible



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