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41 3 四川大 学 学 报 ( 工程 科 学版 ) V o.l 41 No. 3 2009 5 JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY ( ENGINEER ING SC IENCE ED ITION ) M y 2009 : 1009-3087( 2009) 03-0284-05 1, 2 2 2 吴 永 , 何思明, 李新坡 ( 1. , 10039; 2. , 610041) : , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : TU318 : A FailureM echanism ofAnt-i slide Pile Under Seism icW ave 1, 2 2 2 WU Yong , HE S i-m ing , L IX in-po ( 1. G r du te School of the Ch inese A c dem y of Scien ces, Beij ing 10039, Ch in ; 2. Inst. of M ount in H z rds nd Env ironm ent, Ch in ese Ac dem y of Sciences, Ch engdu 610041, Ch in ) Abstract:The f ilure of nt-i slide pile in e rthqu ke is one mi port nt f ctor th t ggr v tes the h rm ofmount in h z- rds. How ever, themech n ism of it nd its responsemech n ism to seism icw ve re not cle r t present, nd the in- ter ction mech nism bewt een nchor system nd seism icw ve c n. t be resoluted. Therefore, b sed on energy theory, t king the upper bound theorem used in lmi it n lysis sme sure, nd ssum ing the sliding f ce s rc, the s fety of nchor system w s defined, nd then the mech nism of energy input nd dissip tion under e rthqu ke w s studied. Furthermore, the ch r cters seism icw vewh ich induces the d m ge of nchor system w s lso n lyzed, nd the c -l cul ting formu l s w ere suggested. A t l s,t n ex mp lew s given to show th t the f iluremech nism of nt-i slide p ile is the result of d iscontinuous d m ge ccumul tion under seism ic lo dw ith speci l direction nd v lue. Key words: seism ic w ve; f ilure of n t-i slide p ile; upper bound theorem; critic l cceler tion 2008 5 12, 8. 0



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