《1017-Chris Cooper-training-中英文》.ppt

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International Centre for Tourism Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University Chris Cooper International Tourism and Hospitality Trends 国际旅游与接待业趋势 Tourism and Hospitality Futures I 旅游与接待业未来 1 Change is so swift, feels like future has arrived 变化如此迅速,感觉未来已经来临 Fashionable to be pessimistic - meteors, volcanoes, nuclear, nano tech, super viruses… 悲观主义流行-流星,火山,核能,纳米技术,超级病毒… But we are likely to be around for a long time 我们还会活很久 Understand the past to make smart guesses about the future 理解过去有助于推测未来 Tourism and Hospitality Futures II 旅游与接待业未来 2 By its very nature the future is uncharted 就其本质而言,未来是不可而知的 Many different possibilities – futures 未来意味着很多不同的可能性 Need a disciplined approach 需要严格的方法 We are in the the new normal 我们处在新的常态中 Tourism is linked to other trends 旅游发展与其他趋势相关联 Smart tourism will be the way of the future 智慧旅游是未来趋势 Tourism and Hospitality Futures? 旅游与接待业的未来 Possble Plausible Probable 可能的 貌似可能的 很有可能的 Commentators on Tourism Futures 关于旅游未来的评述者 UNWTO Forecasts 联合国世界旅游组织的预测 Forum for the Future 关于未来论坛 WTTC Blueprint for a New Tourism 世界旅行和旅游理事会对新旅游的蓝图 Tourism of Tomorrow 旅游的明天 Australian Megatrends 澳大利亚大趋势 Special issue of Futures 《未来》 特刊 So what are the driving forces of tourism futures? 什么是旅游未来的推动力 These drivers…这些推动力… Set the context for tourism and hospitality futures 设定旅游与接待业未来大环境 Linked and reinforcing 相互关联并不断增强 Impact varies by sector and region 产生的影响因部门和区域而异 Not dominated by any single one 不由任何一方主宰 Leading to many possible futures 导致很多未来的可能性 Social and Demographic Drivers 社会与人口因素推动力 Demographics 人口统计 Society 社会 Urban dwellers 城市居民 Cultural diversity 文化多样性 Women 女性 Political and Economic Drivers 政治与经济推动力 Trade blocs and regionalism 贸易集团和区域主义 Globalisation 全球化 Economics 经济状况 The Rise of Asian Destinations and Products 亚洲目的地与产品的崛起 Shift to Asian destinations 亚洲目的地转向 Rise of Asian brands 亚洲品牌的崛起


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