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PMP 考前培训班全真模拟题(一) 基于 PMBOK2008
1. A cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract has all of the following characteristics
A. Seller is reimbursed for allowable costs for performing the contract work.
B. Seller receives a fixed fee payment calculated as a percentage of the actual
project costs.
C. Seller receives a fixed fee payment calculated as a percentage of the
estimated project costs.
D. The fixed fee does not vary with actual costs unless the project scope
A. 卖方执行合同工作时可允许成本会得到补偿
B. 卖方获得按照实际成本百分比计算出来的固定酬金
C. 卖方获得按照项目估算成本百分比计算出来的固定酬金
D. 固定酬金不会根据实际成本而变化,除非项目范围变更
2. All of the following are tools and techniques for Conduct Procurements
A. Independent estimates.
B. Bidder Conferences.
C. Proposal Evaluation Techniques.
D. Resource distribution system.
A. 独立估算
B. 投标人会议
C. 建议书评价技术
D. 资源分发系统
3. Evaluation criteria are developed and used to rate or score proposals.
These criteria have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. They can be objective, such as, The proposed project manager needs to
吴永达,PMP 更新日期:2011 年 1 月 3 日 第 1 页 共 98 页
PMP 考前培训班全真模拟题(一) 基于 PMBOK2008
be a certified Project Management Professional (or PMP).
B. They can be subjective, such as, The proposed project manager needs to
have documented previous experience with similar projects).
C. They can be limited to purchase price if the procurement item is readily
available from a number of acceptable sellers.
D. They generally require specification of the name of the transportation
organization responsible for delivery of procured items.
A. 可以是客观的,例如“投标的项目经理需要是认证的 PMP”
B. 可以是主观的,例如“投标的项目经理应该有记录在案的类似项目经验”
C. 如果采购内容可以从很多符合条件的卖方获得,那么可以局限于采购价格
D. 通常指定货品运输公司的名字
4. Outputs from the Close Procurements proce
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