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《3T MRI in clinical practice》.pdf
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Continuing Medical Education
Continuing Medical Education
3T MRI in clinical practice
Lawrence N. Tanenbaum, MD, FACR
agnetic resonance (MR) scan-
ning began to make an impact
in the clinical practice setting
in the mid 1970s. At introduction the
most common systems operated at a field
strength of 0.6T and there was credible
doubt that more powerful magnets would
be feasible, particularly for whole-body
(beyond the brain) imaging needs. Even-
tually, technological advances made
high-field MR imaging practical, and
systems operating at 1.5T have become
the current clinical benchmark. New sys-
tems sold today at lower field strengths
are open designs designed for larger or
claustrophobic patients. While there
once was a significant market for closed
systems operating at 1.0T due to lower
cost, the decreasing cost differential with that 3T systems make up 25% of new Specific absorption rate
1.5T and market demands have all but high-field MR purchases. Specific absorption rate (SAR) is a
eliminated these systems from new pur- Fueling the shift in interest from 1.5 measure of energy deposited by an RF
chase considerations. to 3T from primarily a research device field in a given mass of tissue. SAR is
Over the last several years, systems to clinical practice validates that what established by the International Elec-
operating at higher fields have become was once considered very high-field MR trotechnical Commission (IEC) to not
more prevalent, particularly at research (3T) is practical, feasible, and, indeed,
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