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* * CFX Expression Language 11-* ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary ? 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598 Training Manual CFX 12.0 Introductory Training TOC-* ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary ? 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598 Training Manual 11-* ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary ? 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598 TOC-* ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary ? 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. February 23, 2009 Inventory #002598 Chapter 11 CFX Expression Language (CEL) Introduction to CFX CEL - CFX Expression Language Allows the user to create equations (can be functions of solution/system variables) that can be used in CFX-Pre and CFD-Post Example: CEL The syntax rules are the same as those for conventional arithmetic. Operators are written as: + (addition) - (subtraction) * (multiplication) / (division) ^ (exponentiation) Variables and expressions are case sensitive (example: t vs. T) Expressions must be dimensionally consistent for addition and subtraction operations (example: 1.0 [mm] + 0.45 [yds] is OK) You cannot add values with inconsistent dimensions Fractional and decimal powers are allowed (example: a^(1/2) + 1.0^0.5) Units of expressions are not declared – they are the result of units in the expression (example: a [kg m^-3] * b [m s^-1] has units of [kg m^-2 s^-1] Some constants are also available in CEL for use in expressions: e Constant: 2.7182818 g Acceleration due to gravity: 9.806 [m s^-2] pi Constant: 3.1415927 R Universal Gas Constant: 8314.5 [m^2 s^-2 K^-1] CEL Rules Numerical functions and operators are also available in CEL Right-click when creating expressions for a complete list Custom functions with User Fortran can also be created Function Operand’s Dimensions [x] Operand’s Values Result’s Dimensions sin(x) Angle Any Dimensionless cos(x) Angle Any Dimensionless tan(x) *** Angle Any Dimensionless asin(x) Dimen


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