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Automatic Musical Pattern Feature Extraction Using Convolutional Neural Network ∗ ∗ ∗ Tom LH. Li, Antoni B. Chan and Andy HW. Chun Abstract—Music genre classification has been a is adopted in image information retrieval tasks. Migrat- challenging yet promising task in the field of music ing technologies from another research field brings new information retrieval (MIR). Due to the highly elu- opportunities to break through the current bottleneck of sive characteristics of audio musical data, retrieving music genre classification. The proposed musical pat- informative and reliable features from audio signals is tern feature extractor has advantages in several aspects. crucial to the performance of any music genre classi- It requires minimal prior knowledge to build up. Once fication system. Previous work on audio music genre obtained, the process of feature extraction is highly ef- classification systems mainly concentrated on using timbral features, which limits the performance. To ficient. These two advantages guarantee the scalability address this problem, we propose a novel approach to of our feature extractors. Moreover, our musical pattern extract musical pattern features in audio music using features are complementary to other main-stream feature convolutional neural network (CNN), a model widely sets used in other classification systems. Our experiments adopted in image information retrieval tasks. Our show that mus


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