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34 1 稀 有 金 属 2010 1 Vol34 No1 CH INESE JOURNAL OF RARE METALS Jan2010 Ir Ru O /T i 1- x x 2 李山梅, 叶 锋, 魏浩杰, 侯淼淼, 王同涛, 王新东* ( 北京科技大学冶金学院物理化学系, 北京 1000 3) : , Ru Ir Ru O /T i, , , , 1- x x 2 Ir, Ru 32 , 500mA cm- 2, 1. 4 V ( vs. SCE); , Ir Ru O /T i , 1271mC cm - 2, SEM 0. 6 0. 4 2 Ru, Ir, Ru 32, , , , : Ir Ru O /T ;i ; 1-x x 2 do:i 10. 3969/.j issn. 025 - 7076. 2010. 01. 013 : TG146. 3 : A : 025 - 7076( 2010) 01- 0063- 05 E lectrocatalytic A ctivity of Ir Ru O / T i Anodes for Oxygen Evolu tion 1- x x 2 * L i Shanm ei, Y e Feng, W eiH aojie, Hou M iaom iao, W ang Tongtao, W ang X indong (School of M etallurgicaland Ecolog icalEngineering, University of Scienceand Technology Beijing, Beij ing 100083, hina) Abs tract: Ir Ru O /T i anodesw ith different content ofRu prepared by therm odecomposition using ethanol and isopropanolm ixed 1- x x 2 solution of chloroirid ic acid ( H IrC l ) and ru then ium chloride ( RuC l ) w ere characterized by SEM and investigated by cyclic voltam 2 6 3 m etry, charonopotentiom etry, liner polarization. The electrochem ical tests indicated that the potential w ith the electrolys is current of 500 mA cm - 2 w as on ly 1. 4 V ( vs. SCE) correspond ing to the electrodew ith m etal content of 40% Ru; cyclic voltamm etry test ind ica *


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