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6 CHINA LIGHT LIGHTING 2009 2 LED ( , 200433) LED , LED LED , , , , , , , LED LED Thermal Management Analysis of LED Luminaire for Road Lighting Zhang Wanlu Jiang Lei Jiang Cheng Chen Yuyang Liu Muqing ( Institute fo Elect ic Lighting Sou ces at Fudan Unive sity, Shanghai 200433) Abstract: With the p og ess of LED technology, heat dissipat ing becomes the key ba ie which est ict development of LED luminai e fo oad lighting. This pape fi st int oduces the influence of tempe atu e ise on the pe fo mance of white LED. On the base of analyzing the st uctu e of LED oad light and heat t ansfe ing theo y, we build a the mal model of LED oad light. Acco ding to two popula heat managing modes, we choose seve al samples sepa ately to test thei steady junction tempe atu e. By analyzing the esult and combining the the mal model, we esea ch on the main facto s affect ing heat dissipat ing efficiency of luminai e and b ing fo wa d some guidance to the heat sink design of LED oad light. Key words: LED light; oad light ing; the mal model; junct ion tempe atu e 1 LED , 13% LED : LED , , , , , LED , LED LED , , : LED 7 LED, 100 e , 4~ 9nm, :


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