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2013 年PMP 真题精选解析 1. Daniel is managing the development of an ecommerce website for his organization. Daniel enjoys coercive powers and has assigned Julie, a project team member, to facilitate the team meetings. During any team meeting, Juliemust? Daniel 管理着一个电子商务网站的开发项目。从她个人来说,她比较欣赏强迫和命令的风格。 在召开项目会议的时候,她让Julie ,其中的一位项目成员,来负责协调会议。在会议上,Julie 应该: A. Influence team members to support the project managers decisions 影响团队成员,使他们 支持项目经理的决定 B. Support the team members to challenge the project managers decisions 支持团队成员对项 目经理的决定提出质疑 C. Negotiate with team members to achieve the project objectives 与团队成员协商,以达成项 目目标 D. Remain neutral and facilitate the meetings 在主持会议时保持中立 2. The Create WBS process identifies the deliverables at the __________ level in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). 创建工作分解结构(WBS )是把项目可交付成果和项目工作分解 成 ()、更易于管理的组件的过程。 A. Lowest 最小的 B. Any 任意程度的 C. Tenth 十分之一的 D. Highest 最高的 3. What is the primary risk with including reserves or contingency allowances in your cost estimate? 如果将应急储备包含在预算成本估算中,最主要是风险是什么? A. Cancelling your project 项目取消 B. Understating the cost estimate 成本估算过低 C. Overstating the cost estimate 成本估算过高 D. Tracking the funds 跟踪费用花费 4. With the establishment of a PMO in an organization, the project management jargon is being adopted by the employees. However, few people are still struggling with the project management terminologies. One of the most common confusion is the difference between a project stakeholder and a key stakeholder. Who are the key stakeholders? 公司建立了PMO 之后,大多 数员工都开始渐渐熟悉了项目管理的属于。不过,一些人仍然对项目管理的术语摸不着头脑。 其中最容易混淆的就是项目干系人和关键关系人。那么,什么是关键干系人? A. Individuals, groups or organizations in a decision making position. 做出决策的个人、组织或 机构 B. Individuals, groups or organizations actively involved in the project. 积极参与项目的的个人、 组织或机构 C. Individuals, groups or organizations affected by the project. 深受项目影响



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