《The Mask变相怪杰》.pdf

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00:01:53,780 -- 00:01:57,216 我弄到了… 你要的音乐会票 I got those concert tickets you wanted. 10 00:01:57,284 -- 00:01:58,751 不是在开玩笑吧 Oh, youre kidding. 11 00:01:58,785 -- 00:02:01,276 是周五晚的? For Friday night? 12 00:02:01,321 -- 00:02:03,551 太棒了,斯坦利 StanIey,this is great. 13 00:02:03,590 -- 00:02:04,648 哦,是的 Oh, yeah. 14 00:02:04,691 -- 00:02:06,283 我几点去接你? So what time shouId I pick you up? 15 00:02:07,294 -- 00:02:08,659 有点儿小情况 WeII, see,heres the thing, 16 00:02:08,695 -- 00:02:10,754 我的好友来了 my very best girIfriend just came into town 17 00:02:10,797 -- 00:02:12,492 她想去想得要命 and I know she wouId die to go to this. 18 00:02:12,599 -- 00:02:14,968 能不能帮她弄一张? So couId we maybe get an extra ticket for her? 19 00:02:14,968 -- 00:02:16,492 哦 Ooh. 20 00:02:16,603 -- 00:02:18,605 票卖光了,买不到了 Theyre out.Theyre soId out. 21 00:02:18,605 -- 00:02:20,300 我们买不到了 That means theres no more. 22 00:02:20,340 -- 00:02:24,538 但我不能把她丢在家里 Oh, weII, I just cant Iet her sit home aII aIone. 23 00:02:26,279 -- 00:02:28,076 我看这样吧 Look,III teII you what, 24 00:02:28,114 -- 00:02:30,105 你跟她去听 why dont you just go with your friend? 25 00:02:32,185 -- 00:02:33,777 斯坦利,这怎么行呢? StanIey,I couIdnt do that. 26 00:02:33,820 -- 00:02:35,310 没关系啦 No, come on. 27 00:02:36,957 -- 00:02:39,687 斯坦利,你真是盖世无双 - StanIey, you are the nicest guy. - Aah. 28 00:02:39,693 -- 00:02:41,024 真的,斯坦利,是吗? - ReaIIy, you are. - Yeah? 29 00:02:41,061 -- 00:02:43,825 查理,你说对不对? CharIie,isnt StanIey the nicest guy? 30 00:02:43,964 -- 00:02:45,124 顶尖好人 The best. 31 00:02:47,767 -- 00:02:50,736 她的脸皮… Oh, that was 32 00:02:50,770 -- 00:02:53,967 比牛皮还厚 the most sickening dispIay Ive ever seen. 33 00:02:54,007 -- 00:02:56,942 我不同意,我跟她慢慢磨 I disagree.I think Im wearing her do



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