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Group Standard TL 82166 Issue 2009-05 Class. No.: 8MD00 Descriptors: EMC, electromagnetic compatibility, interference immunity Electromagnetic Compatibility of Automotive Electronic Components Radiated Interferences Preface Additional tests necessary for evaluation and release of electronic assemblies beside the EMC tests are defined and specified in the drawing, Technical Supply Specifications (TL standard), or other documents. For release purposes, the responsible EMC engineering departments of Volkswagen AG will conduct examinations in the anechoic chamber, in the free field or in the laboratory. Previous issues TL 82166: 1986-04, 1993-08, 1998-02, 2003-03, 2004-10 Changes The following changes have been made as compared to TL 82166: 2004-10: – Functional performance status classification (FPSC) acc. to ISO standard – Extension of component testing from 0,1 to 3200 MHz as well as adaptation of limit values and modulation – Extension of vehicle measurement from 0,1 to 3200 MHz as well as adaptation of limit values and modulation Contents Page 1 Scope 2 2 Abbreviations 2 3 General test conditions 2 4 Functional performance status classification (FPSC) 2 Check standard for current issue prior to usage. Page 1 of 21 This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern. Numeri



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