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TM8726 4 Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TM8726 is an embedded high-performance 4-bit microcomputer with LCD driver. It contains all the necessary functions, such as 4-bit parallel processing ALU, ROM, RAM, I/O ports, timer, clock generator, dual clock operation, Resistance to Frequency Converter(RFC), EL panel driver, LCD driver, look-up table, watchdog timer and key matrix scanning circuitry in a signal chip. FEATURE 1. Low power dissipation. 2. Powerful instruction set (178 instructions). Binary addition, subtraction, BCD adjust, logical operation in direct and index addressing mode. Single-bit manipulation (set, reset, decision for branch). Various conditional branch. 16 working registers and manipulation. Table look-up. LCD driver data transfer. 3. Memory capacity. ROM capacity 4096 x 16 bits. RAM capacity 512 x 4 bits. 4. LCD driver output. 9 common outputs and 41 segment outputs (up to drive 369 LCD segments). 1/2 Duty, 1/3 Duty, 1/4 Duty, 1/5 Duty, 1/6Duty, 1/7Duty, 1/8Duty or 1/9Duty is selected by MASK option. 1/2 Bias, 1/3 Bias or 1/4 Bias is selected by MASK option. Single instruction to turn off all segments. COM5~9,SEG1~41 could be defined as CMOS or P_open drain type output by mask option. 5. Input/output ports. Port IOA 4 pins (with internal pull-low), muxed with SEG24~SEG27. Port IOB 4 pins (with internal pull-low). muxed with SEG28~SEG31 Port IOC 4 pins (with internal pull-low, low-level-hold), muxed with SEG32 ~ SEG35. IOC port had built in the input signal chattering pre


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