《做更好的自己 顶级MBA申请》.pdf

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致:矢志不渝追求卓越的你 做更好的自己 Sonia Shi 做更好的自己 版权声明 版权声明 《做更好的自己》第二版,作者Sonia Shi,本书版权属于ChaseD 网 站所有。本书中的所有内容,包括(但不仅限于)正文、图片、表格和图标, 受中国版权法和其他国际版权法的保护。在任何单机上,您都可以免费下载、 查看这些材料或打印作为个人使用;网络转载必须标明出处同时保证资料的完 整;不允许用于其他任何目的打印、复制、复印、再加工、分发、传送、上 载、下载、存储和公开演示,不得随意修改、和改变这些资料;严禁利用此资 料的全部或部分内容进行任何商业性应用,否则ChaseDream 将依法追究责 任。 做更好的自己 序 序 Dear ChaseDreamers: Over the years, Chasedream has kept coming up with new initiatives that offer invaluable resources and opportunities in business education for Chinese professionals and executives. This handbook is a fine example of their good work - an insightful tool for anyone planning to pursue an MBA education. The author is a Darden graduate and an exchange- in student of the HKUST MBA program, and she has provided a vivid account of her own experiences and delivered useful advice on applying for an MBA. One of her most salient points is something I always tell prospective students: an MBA education is not just about Prof. Steven DeKrey, PhD getting a degree, it is a mind-broadening journey Senior Associate Dean and MBA Program Director that can take you to whole new horizons. I have HKUST Business School seen clear evidence of this effect in my experience as an MBA educator for over 20 years. Graduates emerge with new perspectives, global exposure and sharper analytical and decision making skills. They are ready to become true


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