
《A spiral antenna backed by a conducting plane reflector》.pdf

《A spiral antenna backed by a conducting plane reflector》.pdf

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《A spiral antenna backed by a conducting plane reflector》.pdf

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. AP-34, NO. 6, JUNE 1986 791 A Spiral Antenna Backed by a Conducting Plane Reflector HISAMATSU NAKANO, MEMBER,IEEE,KAZUO NOGAMI, SATOSHI m,H I R O m m m , AND JuNJI YAMAUCHI, MEMBER, IEEE Abstract-An Archiedean planarspiralantenna is numerically In order to operate the spiral antenna as a quasiself-comple- analyzed in thepresence of a conducting plane reflector. The analysis mentary antenna [7],we choose the geometrical parameters in shows thatthespiralantennabackedbytheplane reflector has two such a way that the ratio oftheequivalent strip width 4 p distinct regions in the current distribution,which explain the radiationof (p:wire radius) to the spacing width between the neighboring a circularly polarized wave for the outer circumference C ranging over shout 1.3 X C 1.5 A and C 2.9 X, where A is afree-space wires is unity. The parameters are as follows: spiral constant a wavelength. Further consideration is given to a truncated spiral antenna = 0.764 mm; wire radius p = 0.3 mm; feed wire length est = whose outer circumference is on the order of 1.4 A. The truncated spiral 2 mm; range ofwinding angle 4, 2.6 rad 5 I36.5 rad. antennamaintainsdecayinga currentdistributionandradiatesa The spiral antenna is backed by a perfectly conductingplane circularlypolarizedwaveovera k1.2 frequency bandwidth. It is also reflector of infinite extent, and handled bythemethod of demonstr


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