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3.CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL SHELLS SUBJECTED TO INTERNAL PRESSURE 3.1 This Chapter is applicable to the calculations for single wall,wrapped layered or shrink fit cylindrical shells and spherical shells subject to internal pressure. The design calculations of staggered winding cylinder with strip according to ANNEX B. 3.2 Terminology、Definition and Nomenclatures. 3.2.1 Terminology and definition of GB150.1 is applicable to this Chapter. 3.2.2 Nomenclatures C --additions to the thickness(see GB150.1),mm;for wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells, the value Cof inner shell only is considered; Di --inside diameter of cylindrical or spherical shells, mm; Do --outside diameter of cylindrical or spherical shells, Do = Di +2δn,mm; Pc-- calculating pressure ,MPa; [pw]--maximum allowable working pressure of cylindrical or spherical shells,MPa; δ--calculated thickness of cylindrical or spherical shells,mm; δe--effective thickness of cylindrical or spherical shells,mm; δi --nominal thickness of inner shell of wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells,mm; δn --nominal thickness of cylindrical or spherical shells, mm; δo --total thickness of shell layers of wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells,mm; σ t -- calculated stress in cylindrical or spherical shells at design temperature, MPa; [σ] t -- allowable stress of the material used for cylindrical or spherical shells at design temperature(see GB150.2), MPa [σi] t -- allowable stress of the material used for inner shell of wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells at design temperature, MPa [σo] t -- allowable stress of the material used for inner layers of wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells at design temperature, MPa ? -- joint efficiency ; ?i -- joint efficiency of inner shell of wrapped layered and shrink fit cylindrical shells; ?o -- joint efficiency of shell layers of wrapped layered a


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