《Inconel alloy 693》.pdf

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《Inconel alloy 693》.pdf

wwwwww..ssppeecciiaallmmeettaallss..ccoomm IINNCCOONNEELL®® aallllooyy 669933 -- EExxcceelllleenntt RReessiissttaannccee ttoo MMeettaall DDuussttiinngg aanndd HHiigghh TTeemmppeerraattuurree CCoorrrroossiioonn INCONEL alloy 693 (UNS N06693) is a new alloy from PPhhyyssiiccaall aanndd TThheerrmmaall PPrrooppeerrttiieess Special Metals which offers resistance to high temperature corrosion mechanisms not previously Some physical properties for INCONEL alloy 693 are available from a nickel-based alloy. Of particular given in Table 2. Thermal properties for the alloy from interest to the designer is the alloy’s resistance to metal room-temperature to 2100°F and 1150°C are found in 3 dusting. INCONEL® alloy 693 offers the best resistance Table 3. Values for the Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s to metal dusting in chemical and petrochemical Modulus) were determined by a dynamic method from 9 processing environments of any conventional alloy room-temperature to 1500°F and 800°C and are currently manufactured. Alloy 693 typically contains presented in Table 4. 6 60.5% nickel, 29% chromium, and 3.1% aluminum. The limiting composition is presented in Table 1. Like its y prede


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