人教版新课标一轮复习教材知识梳理核查课件:必修三Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars.ppt

人教版新课标一轮复习教材知识梳理核查课件:必修三Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars.ppt

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人教版新课标一轮复习教材知识梳理核查课件:必修三Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars

* Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 1.violent 2.explode adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 vt. vi.(使)爆炸;爆发 3.atmosphere n.大气层;气氛 4.surface 5.harmful 6.spread 7.depend n.表面;外表;水面 adj.表面的;肤浅的 adj.有害的;伤害的 vt. vi.展开;伸展;传播 vi.依靠;依赖;取决于 8.force 9.float n.力量;暴力 vt.强迫;强制;逼迫 vi. vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮 n.漂流物 1.explode vt. vi.(使)爆炸;爆发 例句 The army took the time bomb away to a safe place and exploded it. 军队把定时炸弹移到一个安全的地方,并引爆了它。 搭配 explode in/with anger 勃然大怒 explode into/with laughter 放声大笑 运用 完成句子 (1)你勃然大怒之时,你的敌人开始笑了。 When you___________________, your enemy will start smiling. (2)如果飞机的一小部分失灵,飞机将在空中爆炸。 If a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane______ ________in the sky. explode in/with anger would explode 2.harmful adj.有害的;伤害的 例句 Its harmful to your eyes to read on the bus. 在公共汽车上看书对你的眼睛有害。 派生 搭配 harm vt. n.损害;伤害;危害 be harmful to sb./sth. = do harm to sb./sth. 或 do sb./sth.harm 或 harm sb./sth.对……有害处;有害于 do good to sb./sth. = do sb./sth.good 或 be good for sb./sth. 对……有好处;有益于 do more harm than good 弊大于利 运用 完成句子 (1)过量喝酒对你的身体有害。 ________________________________your health to drink too much. (2)许多人争辩说考试弊大于利。 A lot of people argue that exams_____________________. It is harmful to/It does harm to/It harms do more harm than good 3.spread vt. vi.展开;伸展;传播 例句 He spread the news around the town. 他在镇上到处传播这一消息。 He spread the map out on the floor. 他把地图铺在地板上。 搭配 spread like wildfire 像野火般迅速传播;(消息等)迅 速地传开 spread out 伸张;传播开;散开;扩大;铺开;打开 spread (sb./oneself) out 使(某人/自己)离开其他人或散开 spread on 涂沫(或敷)在……上 运用 完成句子 (1)一张厚厚的地毯铺在地板上。 A thick blanket_____________ on the floor. (2)谣言在那个小城镇像野火般地传开了。 The rumours_________________ from mouth to mouth in that town. (3)别都挤在一块,分开坐吧。 Dont all sit together.___________________. was spread out spread like wildfire Spread yourselves out 4.depend vi.依靠;依赖;取决于 例句 I may go to America or not, it all depends. 我也许去美国,也许不去,要视情况而定。 The party depends on whether or not we can collect eno


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