高一英语必修3全册课件3-1Warming up.ppt

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高一英语必修3全册课件3-1Warming up

Ⅰ.词汇过关 1.________n.小说;长篇故事→________adj.新奇的;异常的 2.________n.奇遇;冒险 3.________n.作家;著者 4.________n.出生地 答案:1.novel; novel 2.adventure 3.author/writer  4.birthplace Ⅱ.短语自查 1.base...on...________________ 2.know about________________ 3.fill in________________ 4.pen name________________ 5.grow up________________ 6.抚养;培养;教育________________ 答案:1.以……为基础 2.听说过 3.填充 4.笔名 5.长大;成熟 6.bring up Ⅲ.句式翻译 He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:最使他出名的小说都是以他在密西西比河畔的童年世界为背景的。 Ⅰ.短语精讲 1.bring up 1)抚育;教育 ①She brought up five children. 她抚育了五个孩子。 ②She was brought up by her aunt. 她是她姑母抚养大的。 2)提出(让人注意或考虑) ①Your suggestion will be brought up at the next meeting. 你的建议将在下次会议上提出来讨论。 ②Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? 你为什么非要提钱这个话题? 3)呕吐 Martin has been bringing up all morning. 马丁整个早上都在呕吐。 【知识拓展】 bring about引起;致使;造成 bring out揭露;显示,解释;出版 bring in介绍;引进;赚;赢 【牛刀小试】 (2010·湖北荆州中学高一下期中) Toms parents were very busy when he was a child, so he was________by his grandparents. A.grown up       B.turned up C.brought up D.fed up 答案:C 考查动词短语。句意:汤姆小时候父母很忙,因此他是由祖父母养大的。bring up“抚养,培养”。 2.set in开始来临;以……为背景 ①Before the boat could reach the shore, a storm had set in. 小船还未靠岸,暴风雨就来了。 ②The Bund is set in the Shanghai of 1930s. 《上海滩》是以二十世纪三十年代的上海为背景的。 【知识拓展】 1)set up设立;创立 Chinese athletes set up quite a few new world records in the 15th Asian Games. 在第十五届亚运会上中国运动员创立了很多新的世界纪录。 2)set about开始做;着手 Benjamin Franklin set about learning the printing at an early age. 本杰明·富兰克林早年就开始学习印刷术。 3)set aside留出;省出;不理会;驳回 ①Every month we tried to set aside a few dollars. 每个月我们都设法省出几美元。 ②Im afraid we must set aside your request for more equipment. 我恐怕我们要拒绝你要求更多设备的申请了。 4)set back推迟;阻碍 The harvest was set back by bad weather. 由于天气恶劣,收割推迟了。 5)set down记下;写下;规定;放下 She set down the tray on the table and went out. 她把盘子放在桌上就出去了。 6)set off使爆炸;动身;出发;引起 A letter from home set off his homesickness at once. 一封家信一下子唤起了他的思乡之情。 7)


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