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, Journal ofAnhuiAgr.i S i. 2010, 38( 34) : 19857- 19860, 19862 常俊香 卢瑶 1 1 2 2 1* 郭 敏 , 熊 涛 , 邱祖明 , 吴顺清 , 田志宏 ( 1. , 434025; 2. , 434020) [目的]为古代丝织品文物的保护提供参考[方法] 述了古代丝织品的材质种类文物保护现状霉斑清洗技术等, 介绍了生 物技术保护丝织品文物的优势[结果]古代丝织品的材料为蚕丝, 根据织物组织结构经纬线组合方式加工工艺绸面的外观形态及 质地可将其分为 14大类和 34小类; 目前我国各市区博物馆馆藏丝织品文物出现霉斑污染的报告较少; 导致丝织物产生霉斑的霉菌大 多分属于曲霉属青霉属分支孢子菌属新月菌属胶霉属链孢霉属木霉属等; 丝织品文物霉斑的清洗方法主要为化学法; 生物技术 保护丝织品文物具有清洗过程更加环保安全, 清洗废液无毒易降解等优势[结论]生物技术处理可安全科学有效地延长古代丝织 品文物的寿命 丝织品; 霉斑; 分离纯化; 生物表面活性剂; 脂肪酶 + TS 145. 2 9 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 34- 19857- 04 ExplorativeAnalysis on CleaningMildew Stain onAncient Silk CultureProductsbyUsingBiologicalMethod GUO Min et al ( College of L ife S ien e, Y angtze Un iversity, Jingzhou, Hubei 434025) Abstract [ Obje tive] The resear h ami ed to prov ide referen e for prote ting an ient silk u lture produ ts. [M ethod] Thematerial and tex ture, spe ies, prote tion status of ulture produ ts, leaning te hn ique ofm ildew stain of an ient silk goods were summarized and the advan tage of prote ting silk ulture produ ts by biote hnology was introdu ed. [ R esult] Thematerial of an ient silk goods was natural silk. Based on tex ture stru ture of silk produ ts, ombination mode of long itude and latitude lines, pro essing te hnology, appearan e shape and tex ture of silk surfa e, the an ient silk goods ou ld be lassified into 14 ategor ies and 34 sub ategories. A t present, the reports on the o urren e of m ildew stain pollution of olle ted silk ulture produ ts in Chinesemun i ipalmuseums were less. M ostmoulds indu ingm ildew stain formation on silk goods belong toAsperg illus, P enicillium, Cladosporium, Selenomonas, Synglioclad ium, N eurosp ora andTrichoderma. Themajor lean ing methods ofm ildew stain on silk ultureprodu ts were hem i alm ethods. Prote ting silk ulture produ ts by b iote hnology had advantages, su h asm ore


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