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毕业设计(论文) 题目名称: 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级:学 号:学生姓名 指导教师: 201 年 5 月 尚水源泉网上商城系统设计 Design of the Online Shopping Mall for Shang Shui Source 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级: 学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:2014年 5摘要 网上商城类似于现实世界当中的商店,差别是利用电子商务的各种手段,达成从买到卖的过程的虚拟商店,从而减少中间环节,消除运输成本和代理中间的差价,造就对普通消费和加大市场流通带来巨大的发展空间。尽还消费者以利益,带动公司发展和企业腾飞,引导国民经济稳定快速发展,推动国内生产总值。网上商城为个人用户和企业用户提供人性化的全方位服务,努力为用户创造亲切、轻松和愉悦的购物环境,不断丰富产品结构,最大化地满足消费者日趋多样的购物需求,并凭借更具竞争力的价格和逐渐完善的物流配送体系等各项优势,赢得市场占有率多年稳居行业首位的骄人成绩,也是时代发展的趋势。pring MVC等JavaEE开发框架。数据库采用关系型数据库Mysql。系统前台显示层采用FreeMarker模板引擎JSP技术。 关键词: 网上商城; JavaEE开发框架; 关系型数据库; FreeMarker模板 Abstract Online shopping mall is similar to the store in the real world, the difference of it is that it is the kind of virtual store that uses various means of electronic commerce to reach the progress from buyying to selling virtual store, thereby reducing intermediate links, eliminating transportation costs and the spread of agent, bringing to the ordinary consumer and increase circulation market to bring a huge space for development.?It returns interests to consumers, drives the development of the company and grows the enterprise, guides national economy stable and rapid to develop, promotes gross domestic production as far as possible.?Online shopping mall provides a full range of humane services for individual users and enterprise customers,tries to create a cordial, relaxed and enjoyable shopping environment, and constantly enriches the product structure to meet the shopping demand of the consumers that is increasingly diversing and winning the market share for many years ranked first in the industry of remarkable achievements, but also the era of the development trend depending the more competitive price and the gradually improving logistics distribution system, and the advantage. Shang Shui Source Online Shopping Mall is mainly to develop such a online shopping system, mainly including front of the system, the system background.?The system uses JavaEE technology to?design?and implement?of the system.?


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