《26、Rumpole of the Bailey法庭上的鲁波尔-【英】约翰·莫蒂默》.pdf

《26、Rumpole of the Bailey法庭上的鲁波尔-【英】约翰·莫蒂默》.pdf

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《26、Rumpole of the Bailey法庭上的鲁波尔-【英】约翰·莫蒂默》.pdf

Rumpole of the Bailey by John Mortimer John Mortimer is a playwright, a novelist and a lawyer. During the war he worked with the Crown Film Unit and published a number of novels before turning to the theatre. His plays include The Dock Brief, What Shall We Tell Caroline?, The Wrong Side ofthePark and Voyage Round My Father. His translations of Feydeau have been performed at the National Theatre, and he lately completed six plays for television on the life of Shakespeare. He has written many film scripts, television and radio plays. He lives with his wife and young daughter in the Chilterns. John Mortimer Rumpole of the Bailey Penguin Books Contents Rumpole and the Younger Generation 第 1 页 共 117 页 / 原版英语阅读网 Rumpole and the Alternative Society Rumpole and the Honourable Member Rumpole and the Married Lady Rumpole and the Learned Friends Rumpole and the Heavy Brigade For Irene Shubik Rumpole and the Younger Generation I, Horace Rumpole, barrister at law, 68 next birthday, Old Bailey Hack, husband to Mrs Hilda Rumpole (known to me only as She Who Must Be Obeyed) and father to Nicholas Rumpole (lecturer in social studies at the University of Baltimore, I have always been extremely proud of Nick); I, who have a mind full of old murders, legal anecdotes and memorable fragments of the Oxford Book of English Verse (Sir Arthur Quiller-Couchs edition) together with a dependable knowledge of bloodstains, blood groups, fingerprints, and forgery by typewriter; I, who am now the oldest member of my Chambers, take up my pen at this advanced age during a lull in business (theres not much crime about, all the best villains seem to be off on holiday in the Costa Brava), in order to write my reconstructions of some of my recent triumphs (including a number of recent disasters) in the Courts of Law, hoping thereby to turn a bob or two which wont be immed


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