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These are step-by-verifiable-step notes designed to take students with a year of calculus based
physics who are about to enroll in ordinary differential equations all the way to doctoral foundations in
either mathematics and physics without mystery. Abstract algebra, topology (local and global) folds into
a useful, intuitive toolset for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, be they
linear or nonlinear. The algebraist, the topologist, the theoretical physicist, the applied mathematician
and experimental physicist are artificial distinctions at the core. There is unity.
Mathematician, you will see step-by-verifiable-step algebra, topology (local and global) in a
unified framework to treat differential equations, ordinary, partial, linear and nonlinear. You will then
see why the physicists created a great font of differential equations, the calculus of variations. You will
see why the physicists care about both discrete and continuous (topological) Lie groups and understand
what quantum mechanics is as a mathematical system from its various historical classical physical roots:
Lagrangian mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson brackets. You will have the tools to understand
the Standard Model of physics and some of our main paths forward to grand unified theories and
theories of everything. With these notes you should never again be able to practice abstraction for the
sake of abstraction. Physicist, you will not be held hostage to verbiage and symbology. You will see that
mathematics has deep, unavoidable limitations that underlie physics, itself suffering unavoidable
limitations. You will see unity, e.g., summing angular momentum in terms of tensor products and
directions sums, ladder operators, Young鈥檚 tableaux, root and weigh diagrams as different codifications
of the same thing. Neither of you have to take your
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