国际支付与结算chapter 6.ppt

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国际支付与结算chapter 6.ppt

Characteristics of Transferable credit: ⑴ A credit can be transferred only if it is expressly designated as “transferable” by the issuing bank. 开证行必须在信用证中注明“可转让”(transferable),信用证方可转让。其他如“divisible”、 “ transmissible”、 “ assignable”都不能视同可转让。 Chapter 6 Letter of Credit ⑵ A transferable credit can be transferred once. The second beneficiary cannot further transfer. 只能转让一次。但是第二受益人将信用证转回第一受益人不在禁止之列 ⑶The beneficiary hereby irrevocably transfers total? or partial amount of his proceeds under the credit to the undersigned beneficiary. 仅是全部或部分款项的让渡 Characteristics of Transferable credit: Chapter 6 Letter of Credit ⑷A transferable credit can be transferred only under the terms stated in the original credit 除少数条款,信用证只能按照原证规定的条款转让 (5) The beneficiary must, at the time of making a request for transfer, and prior to the transfer of the credit, irrevocably instruct whether the transferring bank may advise amendments to the secondary beneficiary.信用证的受益人有权要求转让,并且修改条款。 Chapter 6 Letter of Credit Items amended in transferring credit: Options for transfer fights on amendments include full or partial transfer of the credit with: 可转让信用证的新证与原证不同的项目: ①amount 信用证金额。 ②price规定的单价。 ③expiry date信用证的有效期。 ④latest date for documents delivery 最后交单日期。 ⑤time for shipment装运期限。 ⑥insurance ratio投保比例。 Chapter 6 Letter of Credit 2.Back-to-back L/C背对背信用证 A back-to-back credit may be used when the credit issued in favor of the exporter(the middleman) is not transferable or though transferable it does not meet his requirements. The exporter, namely, the beneficiary of the first credit, offers it as a security to the advising bank or his banker for the issuance of a second credit. The one being issued on the security of the other. 是指某一信用证的受益人以该证为保证,要求一家银行开立以实际供货商为受益人的信用证。这是一种中间商为保守商业秘密和中介人地位而使用的信用证。 Chapter 6 Letter of Credit Advising bank1 Importer /payer Exporter Issuing bank 1.S/C 16.documents Procedure 2. Application for L/C 4. Notify L/C 3. L/C 19. Document bill 18. Make Payment Second


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