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J ou rnal of Sou theast U n iversity (Eng lish Ed ition) V o l. 2 1, N o. 1, pp. 92 96 M ar. 2005 ISSN 1003—7985
Rolling hor izon scheduling a lgor ithm
for dynam ic veh icle scheduling sy stem
J ia Yongj i Gu H anyu X i Yugeng
( In stitu te of A u tom ation, Shanghai J iaotong U n iversity, Shanghai 200030, Ch ina)
Ab stract: D ynam ic exclusive p ickup and delivery p rob lem w ith tim e w indow s (D E PD PTW ) , a sp ec ia l
dynam ic veh ic le schedu ling p rob lem , is p rop osed. Its m athem atical descrip tion is g iven and its static p rop erties
are analyzed, and then the p rob lem is sim p lified as the asymm etrical traveling salesm an p rob lem w ith tim e
w indow s. The ro lling horizon schedu ling algorithm (RHSA ) to so lve th is dynam ic p rob lem is p rop osed. B y the
ro lling of tim e horizon, the RHSA can adap t to the p rob lem s dynam ic change and reduce the com p u tation tim e
by dealing w ith on ly p art of the custom ers in each ro lling tim e horizon. Then, its th ree factors, the cu rren t
custom er w indow , the schedu ling of the cu rren t custom er w indow and the ro lling strategy, are analyzed. The test
resu lts dem onstrate the effectiveness of the RHSA to so lve the dynam ic veh icle schedu ling p rob lem.
Key words: dynam ic veh ic le schedu ling; ro lling horizon schedu ling algorithm ; exc lusive; p ickup and delivery
p rob lem w ith tim
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