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第 2 1卷 第 7 期 清 洗 世 界 Vol2 1 No7
2 005 年 7 月 C lean ing W orld Jul 2005
·专论与综述 ·
李 军 吴玉庭 马重芳 唐志伟
实验室暨传热与能源利用北京市重点实验室 ,北京 100022)
摘 要 介绍了我国中央空调通风系统清洗行业的现状及存在的问题 。目前我国中央空调通
风系统清洗行业在初步形成之中 ,空调通风系统清洗在我国有着诱人的前景 ,但中央空调通风
系统清洗市场规模的真正形成还需政府 、公司和业主等多方的共同努力 。目前中央空调清洗
还没有行业协会 ,也缺乏相应的行业认证和规范管理制度 ,市场运行很不规范 。
关键词 中央空调 风道清洗 规范市场 卫生状况
中图分类号 TU 8 文献标识码 B
Sta tus and problem of ven tila tion sy stem clean ing industry of
cen tra l a ir cond ition ing in ch ina
L I J un, WU Yu ting, MA Chongf ang, TAN G Z h iw ei
(Co llege of Environm en tal and Energy Engineering of B eij ing U n iversity of Techno logy,
Key L aboratory of M in istry of Education on “Enhanced H eat Tran sfer and Energy Con servation ,
Key L aboratory of B eij ing M un icip ality on “H eat Tran sfer and Energy Conversion , B eij ing, 100022)
Ab stra c t Statu s and p rob lem of ven tilation system clean ing indu stry of cen tral air cond ition ing system
in ch ina were in troduced. Now the indu stry of ven tilation system clean ing of cen tral air condition ing
system is being p relim inarily form ed and its m arket poten tial is very huge, bu t the w ide app lication of
ven tilation system clean ing need the endeavor of the governm en t, comp any and bu ilding owner. Now
there is no trade society for th is indu stry and