《SB 107-2-D1 丹麥插頭插座標準》.pdf

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《SB 107-2-D1 丹麥插頭插座標準》.pdf

Standard SB Two-pole fixed socket-outlet Sheet 107-2-D1 with earthing contact DK 1-1a 10 A or 13 A 250 V Page 1 Dimensions in mm The sketches are not intended to govern design, except as regards the dimensions shown. For the symbols indicating the tolerance of form or of position, see ISO Recommendation R 1101. (continued) 40 Standard Two-pole fixed socket-outlet SB Sheet 107-2-D1 with earthing contact DK 1-1a 10 A or 13 A 250 V Page 2 Socket-outlets according to this standard sheet are only intended to be used as a part of switched socket-outlets, in double socket-outlets with the outlets switched individually. 1) This dimension may be 0 mm. The sketch only indicates that the surface ∅ 39 mm must be plane. 2) Shutters are accepted as the only means of preventing single-pole insertion of plugs. Socket-outlets having the degree of protection IPX0 shall be provided with shutters. Socket-outlets having a degree of protection higher than IPX0 and not provided with shutters, shall be protected against single-pole insertion of plu


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