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31 卷 5 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 31 No. 5 2007 年3 月 Power System Technology Mar. 2007 文章编号:1000-3763 (2007 )05-0064-08 中图分类号:TM7 11 学科代码:A 献标识码:470 4054 华北电网大容量发电机励磁系统建模与 参数辨识测试 1 2 2 1 1 刘永奇 ,苏为民 ,吴 涛 ,李 丹 ,雷为民 1. 华北电力调度局,北京市 宣武区 100051; 2. 华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司,北京市 西城区 100045 ) Modeling and Parameter Testing and Recognition for Excitation Systems of High-Capacity Generators in North China Power Grid 1 2 2 1 1 LIU Yong-qi , SU Wei-min , WU Tao , LI Dan , LEI Wei-min (1.North China Electric Power Dispatching Beura ,Xuanwu District ,Beijing 100051 ,China ; 2.North China Electric Power Research Institute ,Xicheng District ,Beij ing 100045 ,China) ABSTRACT: According to practical conditions and based on the 0 引言 detailed investigation of high-capacity generators installed in North 发电机励磁系统参数测试及建模技术是近年 China Power Grid, whose capacities are higher than 100MW, and their excitation systems as well as the manufacturers of them, it is 来发展起来的一项新技术,是电力系统“四大参数” determined that the high-capacity generating units, which are of 测试技术的重要组成部分。 typical characteristics of excitation system and directly connected 文献[1]中规定,应通过建模研究和实测工作, into 500kV power grid, are chosen to conduct the parame


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