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27 2 () V ol. 27 No. 2 2008 4 JOURNA L OF HENAN POLYTECHN IC UN IVERS ITY ( NATURAL SC IEN CE) A pr. 2008 BP 朱丽娟, 周永华, 周黄斌 * ( , 530004) : 高温物体的温度不同, 通过数码相机摄取的高温物体的颜色也不同, 由此提出 种基 于神经网络的图像颜色测温方法. 选取 RGB模型的RG 和B 作为模式特征向量, 用 BP网 络拟合高温物体的颜色和温度之间的非线性关系. 实验结果表明, 该方法精度高, 运行速度 快, 切实可行. : 温度测量; BP神经网络; 颜色模型 : TP391. 4 : A : 1673- 9798 ( 2008) 01- 0206- 05 Tem perature oft m ea urem ent of color ba ed on BP neural network ZHU L i- juan, ZH OU Yong- hua, ZHOU Huang- bin (College of E lectric Eng ineering, Guangxi University, Nann ing 530004, China) Abs tract: Ba ed on the fact that d ifferent high - temperature object mi age captured by the d ig ital cam era corre pond w ith the d ifferent color, am ethod of tem peraturem ea urem ent of mi age color ba ed on neural net w ork i propo ed. R, G andB of the RGB m odel are u ed a the pattern character vector. BP neuralnetwork i u ed to approx mi ate the nonlinear relation bewt een the color and the tem perature of high- tem perature ob ject. The expermi ent re ult how that them ethod i fea ible w ith h igh accuracy and qu ick runn ing rate. K ey w ord s: tem peraturem ea urem ent; BP neural netw ork; color m ode 0 , , , . , , , , . . . 1. , , : 2007- 9- 16 * : ( 1979- ) , , , , . E - m ail: junxu e0618@ 163. com 2 : BP


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