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西 北 师 范 大 学 浅谈土地荒漠化的原因与治理 年 级: 2012级 学 号: 201275010214 姓 名: 高永鹏 专 业: 地理科学 住 址: 甘肃省兰州市安宁区蓝天公寓 邮 编: 730070 指导老师: 张明军 2013年5月 摘 要:土地荒漠化已经成为当前全球生态环境最为重要的问题。荒漠化主要发生在南北半球的中纬度干旱、半干旱和干旱亚湿润区域,并且近年来土地荒漠化的速度越来越快,全球荒漠化面积也在不断地增加,这不仅严重威胁到我们人类的生存,而且也是造成经济损失和与之有关的地质灾害频繁发生的原因。中国是世界上受荒漠化危害最为严重的国家之一。尤其在西北地区,这里生态环境脆弱,在日益增长的人口压力下,土地荒漠化的形式日益严峻,给这一地区的环境及社会经济的发展和人民群众的生活与生存造成了严重的威胁。研究结果显示,中国的土地荒漠化总面积为262.2×104km2,占国土面积的27.3%,其中风蚀荒漠化土地每年还以3.436×104km2的速度扩展[1]。因此,土地荒漠化越来越引发人们的关注。为了我们社会经济和人类生活的可持续发展,我们必须对土地荒漠化的成因与治理有清楚地认识。 关键词:荒漠化;概念; 原因; 治理 Northwest Normal University 2012 geographic science class tow Gao yong peng Abstract:Desertification has become the current global ecological environment is the most important problem. Desertification is mainly distributed in north and south hemisphere midlatitude arid, semi-arid and dry subhumid areas. And desertification faster and faster in recent years, the global desertification area is also increasing, this is not only a serious threat to our human survival, but also cause the economic loss and related geological disasters frequently occur. China is the world affected by desertification hazard is one of the most serious countries. Here especially in the northwest, fragile ecological environment, the growing of population pressure, the situation of land desertification is becoming more and more serious, to the region environment and the social and economic development and people’s lives and caused serious threat to survival. Research results show that the desertification area of china is 27268.8km2, it occupy 27% of the total land area, wind erosion and desertification of land is expandin


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