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题 目: 河南文化旅游产品开发现状及思路 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 随着旅游业的迅速发展旅游产品的需求结构已经发生了变化。旅游者在旅游活动中更加注重产品的特色化、可参与性和文化性。旅游活动的文化消费、体验消费倾向越来越明显。文化旅游作为一种追求文化享受、获得精神和智力满足的高层次旅游活动越来越受到广大旅游者的青睐目前已经开发了一批颇具影响力的文化旅游产品在现有形势下如何深入挖掘旅游资源的文化内涵展现深厚的历史文化和现代文明把文化旅游做强做大成为真正具有优势竞争力的旅游产业正是本文所关注的论文通过对文化旅游产品开发中相关概念和理论的阐述与辨析分析文化旅游资源特征及开发现状运用分析法分析文化旅游发展态势。在此基础上确立了文化旅游总体开发思路提出了文化旅游产品的开发思路与产品体系并简要阐述了文化旅游产品开发的支持保障系统。文化旅游产品在开发时应注重旅游资源内涵的挖掘和文化氛围的营造突出主题、展现特色,实现旅游产品功能化注意加强区域性合作和行业联动实现文化旅游的快速可持续发展。 Title the status quo of cultural tourism product development and ideas of Henan Abstract With the rapid development of tourism, there were some changes in the requirement structure of the tourism products, the tourists pay more attention to the characteristics, culture and participating in the tourism activities. The tendency of cultural consumption and experience consumption in tourism become more and more obvious. The cultural tourism, which is a cultural enjoyment and spiritual fulfilment activities is paied closeattention by tourists. Henan had developed some weighty cultural tourism prod. The existing situation, how to dig deep cultural connotation of tourism resources, demonstrate the deep historical and cultural Henan and modern civilization, and to grow in size and strength of cultural tourism has become a truly competitive advantage tourism industry is of concern to this article. Thesis of cultural tourism products through the development of concepts and theories related to the elaboration and analysis, analysis of the characteristics of cultural tourism resources in Henan Province and the development of the status quo, the use of comparative analysis of culture and tourism development in Henan Province. Established on the basis of the overall development of cultural tourism in Henan ideas, put forward the Henan cultural tourism product development and product systems thinki


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