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摘 要 在竞争日趋激烈的成品油市场环境中炼油企业与石油销售企业之间职能划分的限制,以及销售企业内部管理层间管理目标的不一致,制约了产销一体化供应链的优化运行,梳理我国成品油的主要模式,分析不同流通模式的绩效及其影响因素,提出如何构建适合我国国情的基于供应链管理的成品油流通模式就成为一个亟待解决的现实问题了。 成品油是我国化工品大流通的重要组成部分,但是我国成品油流通成本高,流通损耗严重,产品附加值低,成品油的生产者—炼油厂增产不增收,而且“油荒”现象时有发生,其根本原因是我国成品油流通体系不完善。 近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,国内成品油的消费者不再满足于产品数量的供给,而是追求质量、安全、方便等,这对我国成品油的流通也提出了新的挑战。在此背景下,如何改善成品油品质、提高成品油的流通效率就显得尤为迫切。 基于供应链管理的成品油流通模式是在应用现代物流管理技术的基础上,解决成品油流通中涉及市场信息、中介组织、加工配送、产品销售等问题的方法。而基于供应链管理的以成品油批发市场为核心的流通模式、以加油站为核心的流通模式的有效运行将提高我国成品油的流通效率,协调流通主体之间的利益关系,降低流通成本,促进我国成品油经济持续健康发展。 关键词:供应链管理,成品油,流通模式 Research on chain circulation pattern of Chinas refined oil supply Abstract In the increasingly fierce competition in the refined oil market environment, supply chain flow situation facing Chinas refined oil is the function of the limit between refineries and oil sales enterprise, inconsistent and sales enterprise internal management layer management target, circulation is artificially divided, supply chain fracture, constraining the optimization operation of production and marketing supply chain integration, and will be with the aggravation of the market competition and the more and more fierce. From overseas experience shows that, the implementation of supply chain management can effectively coordinate the supply chain between different ring node interests, reduce supply chain logistics cost, improve operation efficiency of the whole supply chain in the refined oil circulation. Under this background, the main mode of combing Chinas refined oil, analysis of performance and its influence factors of different circulation patterns, the paper puts forward how to construct suitable for Chinas refined oil circulation patterns based on supply chain management has become a realistic problem urgently to be solved. The refined oil is an important component of Chinas chemical circulation, but Chinas refined oil high circulation cost, circulation loss, low value-added products, refined oil producers - refinery increasing output witho


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