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摘 要 张性正断层断裂带内部结构具有二分性:即断层核和破碎带。侧向封闭机理为毛细管封闭与水里封闭。较可靠的断裂带泥质含量的计算模型为SGR,常用断层侧向封闭性评价的图件是Knipe图解和Allan图解,存在5种封闭类型:即对接封闭、碎裂岩封闭(SGR<15%)、层状硅酸盐-框架断层岩封闭(15%<SGR<50%)、泥岩涂抹封闭(SGR>50%)和胶结封闭。基于已知封闭断层断裂带SGR与两盘压力差之间的关系,建立了断层侧向封闭烃柱高度与SGR之间的定量关系,对于未标定区可以通过实际油藏油水界面和烃柱高度分布,反推断层封闭的SGR临界值,进而标定断层侧向封闭烃柱高度与SGR之间的定量关系,从而对未知断裂侧向封闭能力进行定量评价。断层侧向封闭性定量评价主要应用于圈闭风险性评价中,依据断层封闭的烃柱高度和圈闭幅度的关系,分为完全有效的圈闭、部分有效的圈闭和完全无效的圈闭三种类型。 关键词:正断层 侧向封闭 定量评价 临界SGR 圈闭风险性 Abstract The structure of fault zone in extensional normal fault consists of fault core and damage zone. The main seal mechanism is membrane seal and hydraulic seal. One reliable model used to calculate shale content is SGR value, and common methods to estimate lateral seal capacity are Knipe diagram and Allan diagram. There are five seal types including juxtaposition seal, cataclastic rock seal(SGR<15%), framework-phyllosilicate fault rocks seal(15%<SGR50%), clay smears seal and cemented seal. Based on the relationship between the SGR value of sealing fault in fault zone and the pressure difference between footwall and hangingwall, the quantitative relationship is established between SGR value and height of hydrocarbon column sealed by lateral fault seal. Use of actual distribution of OWC and the height of hydrocarbon column can be made to conclude critical SGR value for no calibrating area, and then the relationship between the height of hydrocarbon column and SGR value can be made sure. Therefore, lateral fault seal capacity can be estimated quantitively according as above. The quantitive estimation of lateral fault seal capacity is mainly applied to risking estimation of trap which can be classified as entirety efficient trap、partly efficient trap and entirety inefficient trap according to the height of hydrocarbon column and its scope. Key words:Normal fault;Lateral seal;Quantitative estimation;Critical SGR value;Risking estimation of trap 日期: 毕业论文(设计)授权使用说明 本论文(设计)作者完全了解**学院有关保留、使用毕业论文(设计)的规定,学校有权保留论文(设计)并向相关部门


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