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硕士学位论文 ‘云霞’百合试管鳞茎生长及打破休眠技术研究 Study on the Development and Dormancy of ‘Yunxia’ Lily Bulblets in Vitro 摘 要 本试验以######花卉研究所培育的东方系百合新品种云霞的试管鳞茎为试验材料,成功选出了云霞试管鳞茎瓶内快速生长的培养基配方、筛选出了云霞试管鳞茎的最佳冷藏条件、方式及其田间种植的规格。研究结果如下: 1.以不同浓度梯度的蔗糖、NAA及改良MS研究云霞试管鳞茎瓶内结球技术,结果表明:MS+ NAA 1.0mg/L+活性炭0.4g/L+琼脂6.5g/L+蔗糖60g/L最有利于试管鳞茎的快速生长。 2.通过对不同贮藏温度、贮藏时间条件下试管鳞茎的可溶糖、淀粉、还原糖含量的综合对比测定,成功筛选出云霞试管鳞茎的冷藏条件为:4℃冷藏50d有利于云霞试管鳞茎休眠的解除,且发芽整齐,植株健康。 3.通过测定不同规格和不同冷藏方式下试管鳞茎的田间膨大率、萌芽率及出苗整齐度,成功筛选出试管鳞茎田间种植的最佳规格和冷藏方式,结果为:周径为4.93±0.33cm以上,包埋方式冷藏有利于试管鳞茎田间的萌发与膨大。 关键词百合试管鳞茎休眠evelopment and Dormancy of ‘Yunxia’ Lily Bulblets in Vitro Xi Huipeng (Horticulture and Landscape) Directed by Professor Li Zhilin ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted to study the new varieties of oriental lily vitro bulblets ‘Yunxia’, which cultivated by FRI of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science. Through the vitro bulblets ‘Yunxia’, the experiment successfully elected the rapid development culture medium, screened out the best refrigerated, the best way of cold storage and the size of vitro bulblets planted in the farmland. Results shows: 1.With the gradient of Sucrose, NAA and macroelement, we screened out the culture medium(MS+ NAA 1.0mg/L+Activated Carbon 0.4g/L+The Agar 6.5g/L+Sucrose 60g/L) , which benefited for the rapid development of vitro bulblets ‘Yunxia’. 2.By measuring the content of soluble sugar, starch, reducing sugar storaged under the different temperature and time, successfully screened out the the best way of cold storage conditions to discharge the dormancy of vitro bulblets ‘Yunxia’, which was storaged at 4 ℃ for 50d. 3.By measuring the swelling rate, germination rate and emergence uniformity determination planted in the farmland at different size and way of storage, successfully screened out the the best size and way of storage for the vitro bulblets ‘Yunxia’, which the perimeter was up 4.93±0.33cm storaged at embedding. Key words: lily; vitro bulblets; development; dormancy 目 录 摘 要 i 英文摘要 ii 目 录 I 1引言 1 1.1 百合简介 1 1.2


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